  • 参见“工况”部分
Pt100精度等级(EN 60751)
  • 1/1 B ± (0.3 + 0.005 × t)°C
  • 1/1 A ± (0,15 + 0,002 × t)°C
  • 1/3 B ± 1/3 × (0.3 + 0.005 × t)°C
  • 1/6 B ± 1/6 × (0.3 + 0.005 × t)°C
Thermal response time, T90
  • 仅RTD元件
  • ≤ 3,0 s ,Ø3 mm
  • ≤ 3,6 s ,Ø4 mm
  • ≤ 8,5 s ,Ø6 mm
Thermal response time, T50
  • 仅RTD元件
  • ≤ 1,0 s ,锥形传感器
  • ≤ 1,3 s ,Ø3 mm
  • ≤ 2,5 s ,Ø4 mm
  • ≤ 3,0 s ,Ø6 mm
  • 参见“工况”部分
  • ≤ 3000 mm
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • Ra ≤ 0.8 µm
防护等级(EN 60529)
  • IP 65 ,接头符合DIN EN 175301-803 A (DIN 43650 A),4针
  • IP 68 , with M12-A, 4-pin and appropriate cable
  • ≤ 100 % RH ,结露
  • IEC 770 6.3.2
正弦振动试验(EN 60068-2-6)
  • 1.6 mm p-p (2…25 Hz),4 g (25…100 Hz),每分钟1个八度
  • 1 x Pt100,4线制
  • 4 … 20 mA ,2线制
  • EN 61000-6-2
  • EN 61000-6-3
  • EN 61326-1
  • NE21
  • FDA (21 CFR 177.2415)
  • 3-A (74-07)
  • EN 50155
  • Ex ia 简单设备,气体和粉尘防爆


证书 / 认证
技术报告 / 白皮书

The selected altAttribute does not exist!

外壳带M12-A接头, 4针

(png | 18 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!


(png | 21 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

外壳带DIN EN 175301-803 A (DIN 43650 A)接头,4针

(png | 30 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

外壳带变送模块和DIN EN 175301-803 A (DIN 43650 A)接头,4针

(png | 35 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!


(png | 45 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

无螺纹柱 (BCID: T65)

(png | 21 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

G 1/2 A ISO 228-1 (BCID: G06)

(png | 37 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

G 1/2 A 卫生型 (BCID: A03)

(png | 53 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

M12 × 1.5 卫生型 (BCID: A02)

(png | 50 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

M12 × 1.5 卫生型, PEEK锥面, 传感器探头Ø3 x 5 mm (BCID: A02)

(png | 53 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

G 1/8 内螺纹, 卫生型 (BCID: A01)

(png | 47 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

G 1/4 A DIN 3852-E (BCID: G50)

(png | 76 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

Tri-Clamp卡箍, Ø50.5 (BCID: C04)

(png | 37 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

Tri-Clamp卡箍, Ø24.9 (BCID: C01)

(png | 32 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

BHC 3A DN 38 (BCID: B01)

(png | 50 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

1/2-14 NPT (BCID: N02)

(png | 26 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

1/4-18 NPT (BCID: N01)

(png | 30 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!

G 1/2 A DIN 3852-E (BCID: G51)

(png | 30 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!


(png | 17 KB)
The selected altAttribute does not exist!


(png | 28 KB)

The selected altAttribute does not exist! FlexProgrammer 9701

货号: 10260076

  • 通过电脑操作,USB端口供电
  • 远程操作,电池供电
  • 带帮助菜单的用户友好软件
  • CleverLevel LBFH / LBFI / LBFS / LFFS / 悬挂式安装LBFS、 CombiPress PFMH / PFMN、FlexTop 2202 / 2203 / 2204 / 2211 / 2221、CombiTemp TFRH / TFRN、CombiLyz AFI4 / AFI5、CombiView DFON、PBMH、PP20S, PBMH高压灭菌型、PBMN齐平膜片式、PBMN低压型、PBMN高压型、PBSN、TCR6、TE2、TER8、TFR5
The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPT4

  • R 1/2 ISO 7-1
  • G 1/2 A ISO 228-1
  • G 3/4 A ISO 228-1
  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7/38,Ø 50.5
  • M20×1.5 ISO 965
  • 焊接式连接 Ø 35
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH1-3236

货号: 11007909

  • SMS 1145, DN 51
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 25 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH1-32A1

货号: 10347240

  • Rd52 (EH FTL EE2)
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH1-32BA

货号: 11118883

  • G 3/4 A ISO 228-1 (EH FTL GQ2)
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH1-32BC

货号: 11118834

  • G 3/4 A ISO 228-1 (VS Ø 21.3)
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH1-32C0

货号: 10347657

  • G 1 A 卫生型
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH1-32CB

货号: 11098659

  • G 1 A ISO 228-1 (EH FTL GW2)
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH1-32CD

货号: 11120583

  • G 1 A ISO 228-1 (VS Ø 21.3)
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH1-32D3

货号: 11188295

  • BHC 3A DN 38
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3213

货号: 11190720

  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 25,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 26.9,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 1",Ø 50.5
  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7/38,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-A (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 32/40,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri- Clamp卡箍),DN 1.5",Ø 50.5
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3213/9060

货号: 11195149

  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 25,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 26.9,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 1",Ø 50.5
  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7/38,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-A (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 32/40,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri- Clamp卡箍),DN 1.5",Ø 50.5
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3213/9059

货号: 11195148

  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 25,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 26.9,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 1",Ø 50.5
  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7/38,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-A (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 32/40,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri- Clamp卡箍),DN 1.5",Ø 50.5
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3213/9059_9060

货号: 11202731

  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 25,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 26.9,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 1",Ø 50.5
  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7/38,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-A (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 32/40,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri- Clamp卡箍),DN 1.5",Ø 50.5
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3216

货号: 11190721

  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 40/51,Ø 64.0
  • DIN 32676-A (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 50,Ø 64.0
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 42.4/48.3,Ø 64.0
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 2",Ø 64.0
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3221

货号: 11190723

  • DIN 11851(乳制品专用管道连接),DN 25
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3224

货号: 11190724

  • DIN 11851(乳制品专用管道连接),DN 40
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3225

货号: 11190725

  • DIN 11851(乳制品专用管道连接),DN 50
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 10 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-324E

货号: 11190729

  • Varivent® DN 32…125;1.5"…6" (N型),Ø 68
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 10 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3254

货号: 11190726

  • DIN 11864-1-A(无菌型螺纹活接头),DN 40
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-3255

货号: 11190727

  • DIN 11864-1-A(无菌型螺纹活接头),DN 50
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 25 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPH3-324F

货号: 11261830

  • Varivent® DN 25;1" (F型),Ø 50
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 10 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPI1-32B

货号: 10296367

  • G 1 A ISO 228-1
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPI1-32D

货号: 11113925

  • G 1 1/2 A ISO 228-1
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPI1-32E

货号: 11094800

  • G 2 A ISO 228-1
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPI1-32G

货号: 11116340

  • 1-11.5 NPT
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW1-723

货号: 11177268

  • 焊接式连接 Ø 26.5 x 15
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 100 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW2-326

货号: 10326080

  • 焊接式连接 DN 25…50,Ø 29 x 36.5
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW3-326

货号: 11218423

  • 焊接式连接 DN 25…50,Ø 29 x 36.5
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW2-327

货号: 10347612

  • 焊接式连接 DN 65…150,Ø 30 x 36.5
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW3-327

货号: 11218428

  • 焊接式连接 DN 65…150,Ø 30 x 36.5
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW3-321

货号: 11190740

  • 焊接式连接 Ø 30 x 34
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW3-381

货号: 11235188

  • 焊接式连接 Ø 30 x 34
  • 哈氏合金C-22
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW3-322

货号: 11190741

  • 焊接式连接 Ø 45 x 34
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW2-324

货号: 10296300

  • 焊接式连接 Ø 35 x 34
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW2-621

货号: 11043353

  • 焊接式连接 Ø 55 x 32
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW2-626

货号: 11039934

  • 焊接式连接 DN 38,Ø 38 x 40
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW2-222

货号: 11092239

  • 焊接式连接 Ø 25 x 17
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW2-122

货号: 10260051

  • 焊接式连接 Ø 16 x 12.2
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPW2-125

货号: 10260050

  • 焊接式连接 DN 25,Ø 16
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX4-320

货号: 11112854

  • ISO 2037,Ø 38.0 x 1.2
  • ISO 2037,Ø 38.0 x 1.6
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPI1-C7A

货号: 11188108

  • G 1/2 A ISO 228-1
  • AISI 316Ti (1.4571)
  • 6 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPI1-D7A

货号: 11188106

  • G 1/2 A ISO 228-1
  • AISI 316Ti (1.4571)
  • 200 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPI1-C7H

货号: 11188107

  • G 1/4 A ISO 228-1
  • AISI 316Ti (1.4571)
  • 6 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPI1-D7H

货号: 11188105

  • G 1/4 A ISO 228-1
  • AISI 316Ti (1.4571)
  • 200 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX2-112

货号: 11165511

  • BHC 3A DN 38
  • NBR

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX2-123

货号: 11091329

  • BHC 3A DN 38
  • EPDM
  • 3-A
  • 符合FDA标准

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX2-132

货号: 11165513

  • BHC 3A DN 38
  • FPM

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX2-410

货号: 11153808

  • G 1/2 A DIN 3852-E
  • NBR

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX2-420

货号: 11153809

  • G 1/2 A DIN 3852-E
  • EPDM

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX2-430

货号: 11153810

  • G 1/2 A DIN 3852-E
  • FKM

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX3-7232

货号: 11109175

  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 38,Ø 50.5
  • EPDM
  • 40 bar
  • 符合FDA标准

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX3-7234

货号: 11165220

  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 38,Ø 50.5
  • EPDM
  • 40 bar
  • 符合FDA标准

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX3-7332

货号: 11165287

  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 38,Ø 50.5
  • FKM
  • 40 bar
  • 符合FDA标准

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX4-310

货号: 10341806

  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 25,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 26.9,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 1",Ø 50.5
  • ISO 2852 (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7/38,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-A (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 32/40,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-B (Tri-Clamp卡箍),DN 33.7,Ø 50.5
  • DIN 32676-C (Tri- Clamp卡箍),DN 1.5",Ø 50.5
  • BHC 3A DN 38
  • AISI 304 (1.4301)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX5-12

货号: 11109285

  • G 1/8 B 外螺纹卫生型
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX5-22

货号: 10318447

  • M12×1.5 卫生型
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX5-32

货号: 10296329

  • G 1/2 A 卫生型
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 100 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX5-82

货号: 11039070

  • BHC 3A DN 38
  • AISI 316L (1.4404)
  • 40 bar
  • 3-A

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX6-26

货号: 11122966

  • M12×1.5 卫生型
  • 黄铜
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX6-36

货号: 11122967

  • G 1/2 A 卫生型
  • 黄铜
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ZPX6-86

货号: 11122963

  • BHC 3A DN 38
  • 黄铜
  • 40 bar

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ES 18A PG7

货号: 10214558

  • 未预装接头 M12 接头
  • 非屏蔽

The selected altAttribute does not exist! ES 14A PG7

货号: 10255464

  • 未预装接头 M12 接头
  • 非屏蔽

The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230400

货号: 11230400

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230334

货号: 11230334

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230929

货号: 11230929

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230335

货号: 11230335

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230336

货号: 11230336

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230930

货号: 11230930

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230931

货号: 11230931

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230403

货号: 11230403

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230342

货号: 11230342

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230934

货号: 11230934

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230343

货号: 11230343

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230344

货号: 11230344

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230935

货号: 11230935

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230936

货号: 11230936

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232883

货号: 11232883

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230347

货号: 11230347

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232884

货号: 11232884

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230349

货号: 11230349

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230350

货号: 11230350

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232885

货号: 11232885

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232886

货号: 11232886

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230409

货号: 11230409

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230354

货号: 11230354

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230939

货号: 11230939

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230355

货号: 11230355

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230356

货号: 11230356

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230940

货号: 11230940

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232888

货号: 11232888

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232900

货号: 11232900

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230379

货号: 11230379

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232901

货号: 11232901

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230380

货号: 11230380

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230381

货号: 11230381

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232902

货号: 11232902

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232903

货号: 11232903

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232904

货号: 11232904

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230382

货号: 11230382

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232905

货号: 11232905

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230383

货号: 11230383

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230384

货号: 11230384

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232906

货号: 11232906

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232907

货号: 11232907

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232923

货号: 11232923

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230968

货号: 11230968

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232924

货号: 11232924

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230463

货号: 11230463

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230969

货号: 11230969

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232925

货号: 11232925

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232926

货号: 11232926

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 2000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232928

货号: 11232928

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230970

货号: 11230970

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232929

货号: 11232929

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230464

货号: 11230464

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230971

货号: 11230971

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232930

货号: 11232930

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232931

货号: 11232931

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 2000 cm, shielded, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232793

货号: 11232793

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232794

货号: 11232794

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232795

货号: 11232795

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232797

货号: 11232797

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232798

货号: 11232798

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232799

货号: 11232799

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11239184

货号: 11239184

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 600 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232737

货号: 11232737

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232738

货号: 11232738

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232741

货号: 11232741

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232742

货号: 11232742

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232743

货号: 11232743

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232744

货号: 11232744

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; PVC, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames
LED-Cables with open-ended wires
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232872

货号: 11232872

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230932

货号: 11230932

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232873

货号: 11232873

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230401

货号: 11230401

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230933

货号: 11230933

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232874

货号: 11232874

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232875

货号: 11232875

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232878

货号: 11232878

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230937

货号: 11230937

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232879

货号: 11232879

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230405

货号: 11230405

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230938

货号: 11230938

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232880

货号: 11232880

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232881

货号: 11232881

  • M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232908

货号: 11232908

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 100 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230960

货号: 11230960

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 200 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232909

货号: 11232909

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 300 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230460

货号: 11230460

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230961

货号: 11230961

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232910

货号: 11232910

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 1500 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232911

货号: 11232911

  • M12, female, A-coded; 4-poles; TPE-S, 2000 cm, free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m; suitable for food & beverage
  • Head A: IP65, IP68, IP69K
  • ECOLAB tested
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232610

货号: 11232610

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,100 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232611

货号: 11232611

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,200 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232612

货号: 11232612

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,300 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232613

货号: 11232613

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,500 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232614

货号: 11232614

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,1000 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232615

货号: 11232615

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,1500 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232616

货号: 11232616

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,2000 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232626

货号: 11232626

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,100 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232627

货号: 11232627

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,200 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232629

货号: 11232629

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,500 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232628

货号: 11232628

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,300 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232630

货号: 11232630

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,1000 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232631

货号: 11232631

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,1500 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232632

货号: 11232632

  • M12,Female,A-coded,4-poles; PUR,2000 cm,free cable end
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230419

货号: 11230419

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230941

货号: 11230941

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232933

货号: 11232933

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230420

货号: 11230420

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230942

货号: 11230942

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232934

货号: 11232934

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232935

货号: 11232935

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232937

货号: 11232937

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230943

货号: 11230943

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232938

货号: 11232938

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230421

货号: 11230421

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230944

货号: 11230944

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232939

货号: 11232939

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232940

货号: 11232940

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230422

货号: 11230422

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230945

货号: 11230945

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232942

货号: 11232942

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230423

货号: 11230423

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230946

货号: 11230946

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232943

货号: 11232943

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232944

货号: 11232944

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232676

货号: 11232676

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232677

货号: 11232677

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 150 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232678

货号: 11232678

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232679

货号: 11232679

  • M12, male, A-coded, shielded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232680

货号: 11232680

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 400 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232681

货号: 11232681

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232682

货号: 11232682

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232683

货号: 11232683

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232684

货号: 11232684

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232686

货号: 11232686

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232687

货号: 11232687

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 150 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232688

货号: 11232688

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232689

货号: 11232689

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232690

货号: 11232690

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 400 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232691

货号: 11232691

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232692

货号: 11232692

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232693

货号: 11232693

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232694

货号: 11232694

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm, shielded; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11234994

货号: 11234994

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 60 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11234995

货号: 11234995

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11234996

货号: 11234996

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 150 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11234997

货号: 11234997

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11234998

货号: 11234998

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11234999

货号: 11234999

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11235030

货号: 11235030

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 60 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11235031

货号: 11235031

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11235032

货号: 11235032

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11235033

货号: 11235033

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11235034

货号: 11235034

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 360 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
  • Halogen free
LED-Connection cables
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232946

货号: 11232946

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 100 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230947

货号: 11230947

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 200 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232947

货号: 11232947

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 300 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230425

货号: 11230425

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11230948

货号: 11230948

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1000 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232948

货号: 11232948

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 1500 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
The selected altAttribute does not exist! CAM12.A4-11232949

货号: 11232949

  • M12, male, A-coded, 4-poles; PUR, 2000 cm; M12, female, A-coded, 4-poles
  • Dragchain capable; suitable for robotics ± 180 °/m
  • Head A: IP65, IP66K, IP67; Head B: IP65, IP66K, IP67
  • Cable: good resistance against chemicals, flames, oils
