EAM580 - EtherNet/IP
数据表 – EAM580-SC - EtherNet/IP
数据表 – EAM580-SC - EtherNet/IP
数据表 – EAM580-SC - EtherNet/IP
数据表 – EAM580-SC - EtherNet/IP
EAM580 - EtherNet/IP
EAL580, EAM580 - EtherNet/IP
EAL580, EAM580 - EtherNet/IP
手册:EAM580 / EAM360磁式绝对值编码器
手册:EAM580 / EAM360磁式绝对值编码器
手册:EAM580 / EAM360磁式绝对值编码器
手册:EAM580 / EAM360磁式绝对值编码器
手册:EAM580 / EAM360磁式绝对值编码器
手册:EAM580 / EAM360磁式绝对值编码器
EAM580:实心轴, 轴径ø10 mm, 径向Ethernet接口, 带夹紧法兰, IP65
EAM580:实心轴, 轴径ø10 mm, 径向Ethernet接口, 带夹紧法兰, IP67
双环联轴器 D1=10 / D2=10
For encoder with solid shaft
货号: 11101781 |
铝制/不锈钢波纹管联轴器 D1=06 / D2=10
For encoder with solid shaft
货号: 11050507 |
联轴器 CPS25 L=19 d1=10/d2=10
For encoder with solid shaft
货号: 11065923 |
联轴器 CPS25 L=19 d1=10/d2=06
For encoder with solid shaft
货号: 11065922 |
弹簧垫圈联轴器 D1=6 / D2=10 (Z 121.C01)
For encoder with solid shaft
货号: 10141132 |
弹簧垫圈联轴器 D1=10 / D2=10 (Z 121.C03)
For encoder with solid shaft
货号: 10141133 |
联轴器 CPS37 L=24 d1=10/d2=06
For encoder with solid shaft
货号: 11069337 |
联轴器 CPS37 L=24 d1=10/d2=10
For encoder with solid shaft
货号: 11069340 |
铝制/不锈钢波纹管联轴器 10 mm
For encoder with solid shaft
货号: 11053277 |
货号: 11101893 |
夹紧法兰型编码器用安装适配器 (M3) (Z 119.017)
For encoders with clamping flange
货号: 10125051 |
电缆接头 / M12接头,EtherCAT,直头,5 m
货号: 10160565 |
M12电缆接头,4针,直头,D-coded,不带电缆 (Z 185.S01)
货号: 11174046 |
M12电缆接头,4针,弯头,D-coded,不带电缆 (Z 185.S02)
货号: 11174047 |
M12电缆接头 (两端),4针,D-coded,1米电缆 (Z 185.E01)
货号: 11202545 |
M12电缆接头 (两端),4针,D-coded,2米电缆 (Z 185.E02)
货号: 11202549 |
M12电缆接头 (两端),4针,D-coded,5米电缆 (Z 185.E05)
货号: 11034355 |
M12电缆接头 (两端),4针,D-coded,10米电缆 (Z 185.E10)
货号: 11202560 |
M12母头,5针,A-coded,5米电缆 (Z 185.P05)
货号: 11034356 |
M12母头,5针,A-coded,10米电缆 (Z 185.P10)
货号: 11212237 |
Small measuring wheel
货号: 11011440 |
Small measuring wheel
货号: 11033281 |
Small measuring wheel
货号: 11033290 |
Small measuring wheel
货号: 11033300 |
Large measuring wheel
货号: 11033308 |
Large measuring wheel
货号: 11033323 |
Large measuring wheel
货号: 11033329 |
Large measuring wheel
货号: 11038480 |
Large measuring wheel
货号: 11038481 |